Homemade Southern Gal Cornbread, no box mixes and choose for sweetened or not! A great recipe for sure!

I often get asked how to Season and Protect Your Cast Iron Skillet  Often skillets are passed down through generations , often spanning 100 years! But, if you've recently been given a new skillet or bought a new one, then you need to treat it first and then know how to take care of it. There are many different ways to do this, and here is one great video to show you. Enjoy!

See here if you'd would like to see a lovely recipe to make Cornbread in a Cast Iron Skillet

How to Care for your Cast Iron Skillets. A great guide which you can print off and keep or pop in with a pan when you give a skillet to a friend as a gift! Please go to website to print full image.

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